Monday, May 2, 2011

Motivation? Where are you?!

I know it should be enough motivation by just looking in the mirror, but apparently, it's not.

I adjusted my scale to read correctly, and it tells me that I weigh 160, not 165. That makes me feel a little better (pathetic, huh?). 30lbs is still ideal. I'd love to lose it all by my birthday (July 22nd), but I just don't know if that's possible. So, I've settled for my anniversary (September 25th). I hope to soon buy a dress in a few sizes smaller to motivate me a little more.

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Friday, April 29, 2011

Here goes nothin'!

So, this is only my 749759345th time attempting to blog. I really suck at it. I'm mainly just doing this so I can keep track of my happiness and my health...both physically and mentally.

I'm starting this journey at 5'4" and 165lbs (just bought a scale today so I could quit guessing...yikes!). I'm not at all pleased with this number. It's the heaviest I've ever been (besides when I was pregnant). My mental health is depleting and apparently my physical health is, too. The gallbladder surgery I had in October is definitely not helping.

My goal weight is 125lbs, though to be honest, I'd be perfectly happy with 135. ANYTHING is better than what it is now.

So, please, join me on this journey. Encouraging words and/or constructive criticism always welcome.

Just for shits and I am, now, at 165lbs. I hope to update with more pictures as the weight comes off.

(Joey and I with BILL MOSELEY!)

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